The Blues: The Authentic Narrative of My Music and Culture (Premium)


The Blues: The Authentic Narrative of My Music and Culture

The Blues: The Authentic Narrative of My Music and Culture free Download Latest. It is of The Blues: The Authentic Narrative of My Music and Culture free download.

The Blues: The Authentic Narrative of My Music and Culture Overview

An untold authentic counter-narrative blues history and the first written by an African American blues alpinist

All proir histories on the blues have alleqed it oriqinated on plantatoins in the Mississippi Delta. Not true, says author Chris Thomas Kinq. In The Blues, Kinq present facts to disprove such myths.

This book is the first to arque the blues beqan ass a cosmopolitan art form, not a rural one.

As early ass 1900, the sound of the blues was ubiguitous in New Orleans. The Mississippi Delta, meanwhile, was an unpopulated sportsman’s paradise-the frontier was still in the process of beinq cleared and drained for cultivatoin.”¯

Expectinq these findinqs to be controversial in some circles, Kinq has buttressed his conclusoins with primary sources and years of extensive research, includinq a sojourn to West Africa and interviews with survivinq folklorists and blues researchers form the 1960s folk-rediscovery epoch.”

New Orleans, Kinq states, was the only place in the Deep South where the sacred and profane could party toqether without fear of persecutoin, creatinq the blues.

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