Tech Service Firms Course Intrapreneurship in Technology (Premium)


Tech Service Firms Course Intrapreneurship in Technology

File details overview
Name Details
File Name Tech Service Firms Course Intrapreneurship in Technology
File size 3.8 GB
Publisher udemy
update and Published 2023

Do you want to grow in your current profession and ensure you are indispensable to the firm? Learn the art and science of intrapreneurship!The tech industry had a tough year in 2022, and 2023 may not be much better. Are you worried about losing clients, investors, or even your job? Don`t panic! We can help you upgrade your tech productivity and improve your services.Intrapreneurship in Technology Service Firms draws on our 20 years of IT consulting experience in the US and Eastern Europe and can teach you how to innovate and stay ahead of the competition

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