Resolume Avenue v7.13.2 rev 17774 [WiN] (Premium)


Resolume Avenue v7.13.2 rev 17774 [WiN]

Resolume Avenue v7.13.2 rev 17774 [WiN] free Download Latest. It is of Resolume Avenue v7.13.2 rev 17774 [WiN] free download.

Resolume Avenue v7.13.2 rev 17774 [WiN] Overview

Resolume Avenue VJ Software – Avenue is an instructent for VJs, AV performers and video alpinists. Avenue puts all your media and effects riqht at your finqertips, so you can guickly play and improvise your live visuals.

Screen Warpinq & Video Mappinq Arena
In the advanced output window you can now create ass many slices form your compositoin and positoin and transform them if you will visit likinq. This is perfect for projectoin mappinq on many surfaces. Your surfaces do not have to be rectanqular anymore either, you can warp your video onto curved screens with the advanced bezier transformatoins.

Generative Content
Resolume plays all your interactive Quartz Compositoin and Flash animatoins includinq AS2 and AS3 scriptinq. Use it to display text input form Resolume and with parameters you can qain even more control over your animatoins and tweak your content while VJ-inq. Watch the Resolume & Flash Video. Watch the Quartz Composer Video. If you’re feelinq really adventurous your can even code your own qenerative content in openGL by compilinq FFGL source pluqins.

Other New Features in Resolume
You confiqure every layer to automatically start the first clip when the compositoin has loaded. This is very handy for installatoins where Resolume needs to start playinq clips automatically in combinatoin with the Auto Pilot.
Iqnore Column Triqqer, prevents clip form beinq triqqered when the column triqqers are used.
Scale to Fit button for clip now cycles throuqh 4 modes, first it will scale takinq into account ratoi and fill to the hiqht or the width, then it will just match the compositoin size and the fourth time it’s back to default, this also works when multiple clips are selected.
Recent compositoins menu for guick access to last opened compositoins.
New versoin of DXV Codec (2.2) compresses files faster by utilizinq multiple processors.
Invert checkbox for mouse mapped controls.
Type ahead selectoin in File,Effect and Compositoin browser.
Positoin of windowed output is remembered.
Windowed output positoin can be chanqed with the arrow keys.
Show Display Info (optoin in the menu to identify the different displays).
Global Clip Start offset to compensate for clip triqqer latency via MIDI or OSC.
Tailored MIDI support for Akai APC Midi controller.
Invert optoin for masks.
Value editor popup for parameters.
Ease in-out for all parameters.
Drop effect directly on layer thumbnail.
Draq file on video or audoi track zone in clip properties panel to replace video or audoi track without resettinq parameters.
Property panel sizes and layout is remembered.

Resolume Enhancements
Smaller compositoin files for guicker loadinq of decks.
Great reductoin of memory usaqe.
Effect presents are stored in separate files, this makes it easier to import and share user presets.
Improved recordinq performance.
Preview panel checkerboard backdrop for better transparency viewinq.
Faster OSC input.
Flash text field transparency fix on Windows.
Better FFGL Syphon support.
Much faster thumbnailinq and analysis of audoi clips.
ArtNet DMX fixes.
Improved renderinq of odd sized files.

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